Technology, Media & Telecoms
“I have been continually impressed by the way Suzie Walker and the team truly understand the candidate profile required to match the business and cultural needs, whilst using their expertise to suggest compatible categories and background. With a heavy emphasis on tech and a network of high calibre senior leaders from 'Heads of' to 'C-suite', they delivered results in team expansion and succession. It has been a pleasure working with you.”
Lizzy Johnson, Growth Director, Deliveroo
Technology, Media & Telecoms
The connected world is expanding and technology is transforming every market sector and every business process. The digital world is constantly evolving and technology keeps advancing.
Challengers are appearing everywhere and the competition they bring disrupts markets, prices, and business models and larger businesses need to be flexible and willing to change the way they operate.
The three most dominant trends are likely to be: the continued movement to the Cloud, the increase in virtual medicine with video doctor appointments (this could have a hugely positive impact on developing countries) and the Intelligent Edge.
Intelligent Edge is the combination of advanced connectivity with compact processing power and artificial intelligence (AI) located near devices that use and generate data. The Intelligent Edge can put cloud computing, data analytics and AI physically near where data needs rapid analysis, filtering it and pushing the most important bits to the core.
5G technology is currently being rolled out around the world, with the advanced network infrastructure, data plans and contracts already live in several major cities, and far more to come. But when it comes to the benefits of 5G, there is far more to the technology than speed. According to data and analytics company GlobalData, while 5G will offer improved speeds and lower latency, where we will really see the difference is in the super-charging of other emerging technologies.
As a result, the most impactful benefits of 5G are set to be in how the technology improves other technologies, by creating an underlying platform that enables emerging technologies to be deployed more efficiently and in some cases in completely new ways.
While most of us have access to some form of IoT device, be it a connected printer, wearable device or other gadget, 5G will enable IoT technologies to be deployed in far greater numbers and at higher densities, meaning sensors can be used to monitor the performance and smooth operation of the world around us.
5G will allow the autonomous cars, that take us to work in the future, to operate smoothly and safely, by quickly transmitting key data both within the vehicle’s different systems and to centralised servers as needed.
Near-instant response times will provide a step-change in how drones can read and react to the world around them, allowing them to do all the things they have long been predicted to be used for without risk of falling out of the sky unexpectedly or missing objects around them. The same benefits will also bring powerful improvements to real-world robots, allowing them to react and interact at much greater speeds than is currently possible.
5G is set to remove the need for physical cables while dramatically increasing the level of data that can be streamed, allowing high-quality VR to become far cheaper and easier to access, while cutting the cables that limit how and where it is used.
Telecom operators are waging a war for connectivity and customer intimacy. As profit pools decline, mobile and fixed services converge and business boundaries in the broader ecosystem blur. The goal now is to better understand their customers, build superior networks, find a sustainable path to growth and achieve cost leadership while maintaining a high-performance organisation.
We work with
We work with leading Technology, Telco, Broadband and Entertainment companies, partnering with Incubators, Start-Ups, Scale-Ups and SME’s through to the large Global Corporates.