Rest, re-charge, and boost your career

Pictured: image of person wearing summer hat, using laptop | Suzie Walker Executive Search - rest, re-charge, and boost your career

As we enter the summer months, many of you will be taking a break and enjoying a well-deserved holiday. Take some time to truly rest and re-charge if you can. However, the months of July and August are a period when we find ourselves preparing for the September peak in recruitment, so it’s also the perfect opportunity for you to start thinking and preparing for your next move.  

  • Consider what you truly want from your career 

    Career-orientated books and podcasts are always a good starting point for feeling inspired and motivated, so make sure to include them in your packing and playlists. However, we also recommend disconnecting and taking some time to run through these 12 simple questions that help you to identify who you are, where you are, and what you want to achieve:  

  • Write a stand-out CV  

    In a competitive market, we see hundreds of CVs each and every week, so it can be a challenge to stand out from the crowd. It’s the most important first step when deciding to move towards your next role, so we recommend taking some time to review your existing CV and work on your personal brand. Here are some top tips for a stand-out CV:  

  • Make the most of social media 

    Partnering with your CV, your LinkedIn profile will be reviewed by recruitment consultants and hiring managers to see if there are any additional attributes that would make you a good fit for the team and role. They will also be looking at your activity, so it’s essential to be active and engaged in the wider industry. We offer some ideas on how to make the most of social media:   

  • Polish your interview skills 

    With competition high, you want to make sure that you’re ready when shortlisted for interviews. It all comes down to preparation and fine-tuning to ensure that interviewers see the very best version of you and the unique experience you would bring to the role. In this article, we share our tips on how to polish your interview skills:  

  • Finesse your elevator pitch  

    As experienced headhunters, we know that first impressions count, and elevator pitches can create interest early in the interview process. So, preparing for this crucial question, ‘tell us about yourself’, is definitely worth your time. In this piece, we talk about the format, content, and style of delivery:  

  • Prepare yourself for possible psychometric testing 

    Psychometric testing is becoming increasingly common during the interview process and it can feel daunting. However, there are some things you can do to prepare yourself for this stage. We look at some of the frequently asked questions about psychometric testing to ensure you’re comfortable and prepared. We also explain how it’s of benefit to candidates – not just clients: 


We hope that these hints and tips help you to make the most of your break, so that you feel ready to start a new and exciting chapter – returning rested, recharged, and prepared to boost your career. 

If you feel ready to move towards the next stage in your career, or if you’re hiring for your team, please get in touch or connect with us/send a message on LinkedIn



Suzie Walker Executive Search is a firm of specialist headhunters with an expert team recruiting interim and permanent senior leaders for B2C and B2B marketing, digital and technology roles in FTSE 350 and private equity-backed companies. Find out how we can support you by connecting with a Consultant below. 

If you’re ready to make your next move, we regularly post new opportunities on our LinkedIn company page. If you apply for a role on the platform, it requires a 1st connection for us to respond, so please make sure to connect with Suzie Walker. Our company page is also frequently updated with the latest hiring news, expert interviews, and candidate guidance, so well worth following. 


Senior leaders on the move – First Bus, Hidden Hearing, Instavolt, Outbrain, ProCook, Temenos, The Very Group