Psychometric testing 

Pictured: person at desk - psychometric testing article - Suzie Walker Executive Search

The use of psychometric testing when recruiting for senior leadership roles has grown considerably with clients in recent years. There are a few reasons for this, including the increased importance of company culture and finding ‘the right fit’, along with the need for senior leaders who can demonstrate resilience in turbulent economic and social times.  

Despite a competitive market for recruiting talent, the combination of skills shortages and a rise in attrition has meant that clients are looking extremely carefully at prospective candidates because they want to ensure that they’re finding a long-term investment in talent. 

While psychometric testing is often seen as another hurdle or tick box exercise, many candidates appreciate that it can actually work in their favour, too – namely ensuring that the role, culture, and expectations are a good match and that there are no nasty surprises down the line. 

In this article, we’ll look at some of the frequently asked questions about psychometric testing to ensure you’re comfortable and prepared when asked to complete this stage in the recruitment process. 

What is psychometric testing? 

There are different types of psychometric tests, used according to the culture, role, and requirements but, broadly, psychometric testing is a way of assessing personality types, behavioural traits, and mental capabilities. They can be a useful prediction for how a candidate may perform within a role, team, and organisation as a whole. 

Two tests that our clients commonly use* are: 

DiSC® profiles, measuring dimensions of candidates' personalities. It does not measure intelligence, aptitude, mental health, or values. Instead, DiSC profiles describe human behaviour in various situations. For example, how a person responds to challenges, how they influence others, their preferred pace, and how they respond to rules and procedures. 

Clifton Strengths is an assessment that measures unique talents - natural patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving - and categorises them into 34 themes. This assessment covers why candidates do what they do, what motivates them, and when they're at their best. 

How do I prepare / can I prepare for psychometric testing? 

A test that analyses a candidate’s personality of natural pattern of thinking is not something that can be prepared for through exercises or revision, but there are a few ways you can prepare yourself mentally and physically. Firstly, taking some time to de-stress in whatever way works best for you, whether it’s a breathing technique or simply going for a walk beforehand. These tests are generally performed online in the comfort of your own home/office, so make that space feel calm and comfortable, completing each question carefully and at your own pace. 

We are seeing more detailed approaches at C-suite level, which usually involves a half-day in-person assessment with a trained psychometric assessor. A pre-assessment often covers numerical, verbal, and spatial activities, such as solving puzzles or answering multiple-choice questions, followed by a detailed, in-depth and occasionally personal interview on the day – often looking back to past experiences. With an assessor on hand, they will be able to address any questions or concerns and they look out for things like effort and consistency. In this environment, prepare for it like you would an interview – look comfortable and engaged but, ultimately, be yourself. 

Should I be worried when asked to complete a psychometric test? 

Honestly, no, you should not be worried. Psychometric testing is increasingly common and while it can be challenging or identify characteristics that surprise you, clients are really just working to ensure that both parties find the best fit for the role. We see this as hugely positive because this is a long-term approach for candidates– not just a quick fix – as clients are investing in career plans that work to the candidate's advantage, too. Many clients are looking at career plans that span five years, with training and development, mentorship, and progression included. It’s not just about culture-fit, but that certainly helps both parties in the long-run. 

If you feel ready to move towards the next stage in your career, or if you’re hiring for your team, please get in touch or connect with us/send a message on LinkedIn


*Accurate at time of writing. Preferred psychometric platforms and methods are subject to change. 



Suzie Walker Executive Search is a firm of specialist headhunters with an expert team recruiting interim and permanent senior leaders for B2C and B2B marketing, digital and technology roles in FTSE 350 and private equity-backed companies. Find out how we can support you by connecting with a Consultant below.  

If you’re ready to make your next move, we regularly post new opportunities on our LinkedIn company page. If you apply for a role on the platform, it requires a 1st connection for us to respond, so please make sure to connect with Suzie Walker. Our company page is also frequently updated with the latest hiring news, expert interviews, and candidate guidance, so well worth following. 


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