Q&A: Andrew Goodacre, Chief Executive Officer, bira

This Q&A series from Suzie Walker Executive Search shares wisdom and insights from senior leaders for the benefit of both clients and candidates.

About Andrew Goodacre

Andrew is an experienced Chief Executive Officer who has led the British Independent Retailers Association (bira) for over four years. bira is 'the voice of independent retailers' - the leading trade association for independent retailers in the UK. They connect independent retail businesses with others in the industry, creating a network of like-minded businesses, providing expert knowledge, support, and access to a wide range of specialist business services. 

Andrew is known for driving change with vision and purpose, and has a background in advocating policies and working with volunteers. His previous role was Chief Executive for the Residential Landlords Association. As one of Andrew’s peers says, “He has an ability to see through complex issues to ensure the right outcome is achieved for the organisation." 

Andrew, thank you for joining us. 

We hope you enjoy this thoughtful and insightful conversation as much as we did.  

Look out for more videos in our Q&A series in the Content Hub



Suzie Walker Executive Search is a firm of specialist headhunters with an expert team recruiting interim and permanent senior leaders for marketing and digital roles in consumer-facing FTSE 350 and private equity-backed companies. Find out how we can support you by connecting with a Consultant below.  


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