Meet the team: Jo Brough

Jo Brough, Director at Suzie Walker Executive Search

The Suzie Walker Executive Search team has worked with hundreds of candidates and clients. So, we think it’s time for you to get to know us all a little better, what inspires us and what advice we would offer to clients and candidates in this fast-moving recruitment market. 

Meet Jo, our Director. Jo is the first point of contact for clients and candidates and works closely with them as they go through the recruitment process. 

Jo, what excites you most about Suzie Walker Executive Search? 

I have worked with Suzie for many years and still find it hugely rewarding to support clients and candidates right through the recruitment process, from the search to shortlisting and interviews. I have a feel for who is right for a role from an early stage, so to see candidates and clients click still provides a buzz. 

What do you think will be a priority for clients and candidates over the next few years? 

I’ll probably be saying something similar to Suzie but it’s really important for clients to prepare for competition in the current market. It also helps to understand what candidates’ motivations are in order to put together a compelling offer.  

For candidates who I work with through the recruitment process, it’s really a case of remembering what we’ve discussed and prepared for. Also, being their authentic selves on the day. It’s easier said than done but makes all the difference. 

What piece of career advice has stayed with you and could help others just starting out? 

I was told early on to keep an open mind and to be willing to adapt. So much has changed and is still changing in recruitment, so it couldn’t have been better advice. I know what my strengths are, but I always listen to the expertise of others and I’m lucky to meet some truly inspiring people through my role. 

What is the trickiest interview question you have ever been asked? 

It has to be the classic ‘What are your strengths and weaknesses?’. It’s never a comfortable question but one that always seems to be asked. Preparing for the classics is always a good idea because you can adapt answers for questions that might just be asked in a different way. 

Who or what inspires you? 

Candidates do. They’re all determined and successful in their own unique ways. I admire the paths they have taken and learn so much from each of them. Also, having worked with Suzie for many years, I’ve always admired her dedication to helping talented people and her vision for the future is hugely inspiring. 

Finally, what would you tell your younger self? 

To pause now and then. It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, but we can’t pour from an empty cup. I make sure to schedule in time for my morning bootcamp session, which sets the tone for my day. I also make the most of time with my family and friends, walking our Cockapoo, Meg, attending West Bromwich Albion matches, and enjoying a great glass of wine - this all energises me. 

Thank you, Jo. 

If you’re looking to hire or find your next role, please get in touch or connect with us/send a message on LinkedIn. 

Suzie Walker Executive Search is a firm of specialist headhunters with an expert team recruiting interim and permanent senior leaders for marketing, data, digital and tech roles in FTSE 350 and private equity-backed companies. Find out how we can support you by connecting with a Consultant below.  


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