An introduction to executive coaching

Growth image to symbolise effects of executive coaching

Executive coaching is a tool for success that we offer to candidates and access ourselves. It is a creative process that inspires and drives us to reach our goals – to grow. It is not like counselling, which has therapeutic outcomes, it is entirely driven by clients’ goals, identifying them, and finding ways to achieve them. 

Here at Suzie Walker Executive Search, we know that executive coaching helps candidates, and ourselves, to improve in many ways, including performance, leadership, and careers.  


Executive coaching is a one-to-one discipline, offering guidance in a safe, structured, and organised space. You arrange to meet your coach, virtually or in person (depending on proximity), at specific times and with an agreed frequency. Coaches are trustworthy and the coaching is entirely confidential. The process is rooted in trust, in order to achieve your desired outcomes. 


Executive coaching is one of the most tailored types of coaching available, adapted to your needs and goals. It does not follow a specific pathway but there are several types of coaching - career, life, performance, leadership, etc. - with well-researched models to follow and tools to use. Coaches use the most appropriate tools according to clients’ needs. 


An executive coach will start with where you are now in your career/leadership/performance, looking at how you are perceived, and how you think you are perceived. They will help you to identify and develop your goals, and work together on an action plan to achieve them. Again, there are many ways to do this but there will be clear timelines and metrics to aim for, to keep you on your chosen path. 

“Being able to take that aerial view, to define outcomes truly wanted, and to work out how to achieve them with relative ease in a confidential and trusted place can be a game-changer.”   

Sue Leeson, Associate Executive Coach 

If you are a client or candidate and would like to access executive coaching for you or your team, please get in touch or connect with us/send a message on LinkedIn. 

With warmest regards,
the Suzie Walker Executive Search team

Suzie Walker Executive Search is a firm of specialist headhunters with an expert team recruiting interim and permanent senior leaders for marketing and digital roles in consumer-facing FTSE 350 and private equity-backed companies. Find out how we can support you by connecting with a Consultant below.


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